
Fakir Amirul Ahsan Santo

Full-Stack WordPress Developer and Senior SEO Specialist


Fakir Amirul Ahsan Santo

Fakir Amirul Ahsan Santo

Hey, I’m Fakir Amirul Ahsan Santo.

I’ve been a WordPress Designer, Developer and SEO Expert since last 5 years. Worked on over 150 websites and over thousands of working hours.

I always keep myself updated with Latest Trends and Technologies. If you have a clear vision of your need then I can make it real for you. If you don’t have any clear vision, don’t worry, Just discuss with me. Together we can make your dream project fulfill. Experience sure provides better, but experience combined with skills always provide the best. Don’t be happy with better, let’s make the best out of it.

I’m skilled in: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress Re-Design, WordPress Responsive Theme development, WordPress Migration from Another Platform & WordPress SEO. I am also expert in providing Online Reputation Management Services for my Clients.